
歌曲名 A Mouse Like Me

歌手名 Mickey Mouse/Goofy/Minnie Mouse

Hm gosh just look at all these old photos

Oh mickey oh you certainly done

a lot of interesting things

What you doin' in that one mickey

Ridin' on a rollercoaster

Sailing on a boat across the sea

Here you are in honolulu

Resting by a big palm tree

Drove a cart through a raging blizzard

Took a steamboat down the river

Clean the gears of old big ben

When I had to golf I dressed in spends

Won an oscar

Climbed a mountain

Wear feather in my cap

Directed a band with big brass buttons

In a tornado kept conducting

All this opportunity

Was lucky for a mouse like me

You were the captain of the space patrol

The driver of a model t

Aha that was a pretty bumpy ride you know

Chased by a grizzly

Kicked by a mule

Wandered through the sherwood

forest with a band of merry men

Here I'm a knight in shining armor

Wrestled with a rope and didn't win

Chased a chicken 'round the barnyard

Haven't lost your famous grin

That brave little tailor might be violent

Got discouraged and slew the giant

All this opportunity

Was lucky for a mouse like me

Like he

I'll try anything once or twice

That's the kind of mouse I am

I don't know what I'm doin'

But your doin' real good

Your're handsome brave and awfully nice

A mouse like you will always come out smellin' like a roast

Rode a camel through the desert

I was a soldier was a king

A big game hunter on safari

You did almost everything

I was apprentice to a sorcerer

Tried a spell but would've been worser

All this opportunity

Was lucky for a mouse who wrote with a quill

And cooked on a grill

I did all that

All this opportunity

Was lucky for a mouse like he

Was lucky for a mouse like me ha ha
