Hollywood Park



所属专辑:Hollywood Park


歌曲名 Hollywood Park

歌手名 The Airborne Toxic Event

A73-581 was the number they burned it in my brain

I could feel it in my veins

We could run we could run we could run

We were running away

And the fourteen dollars

I made on the bus ride from Chino

I laid on the third

He was due and I was due

For a change for a change Im tired of living a lie

And they were writing their names up in the sky

And we would watch them

as they brought the horses by

And I felt like I was ready to die

When the bell went off

and the races would start at Hollywood Park

For fifteen years I had

lived in a room with my heart on my sleeve

My throat dry from heaving the words

You can change you can change

If youre ready to try

And we would laugh as the horses thundered by

And I would tip my brand new hat up to the sky

And nothing could come between you and I

As the horses ran wild through

the dark at Hollywood Park

And when they tore it down

there was wrecking sound

And it rattled through my bones

And a cry went out through the streets that night

Cause we knew wed lost our home

And theres only the wreckage

and this dirt still on my hands

And the roar of the ghosts as

they stood up in the stands

Where do we go

Who are all of these voices Ive never heard

And what becomes of us now

Buried in concrete and broken earth

As I stare out from the highway

at these miles and miles of graves

Under convenience stores and corner malls

all the countless roads they paved

I wonder if its lucky or if you just forget the cost

Or the price of the admission for all endless bets you lost

In fifty years I will dream of this moment from a bed

Tired from lifting my legs tired from drifting around

Through the dust through the dust

In all the time that I would spend

But I never claimed I knew how it would end

Or the order of the horses at the bend

All I knew is I would be back again

And wed stand here as the world fell apart

At Hollywood Park
