The Snow

作词:Mantra Mindware

作曲:Mantra Mindware

所属专辑:Drew's Famous 50 Bestest Fairy Tales


The Snow - The Hit Crew Kids

作词:Not Applicable

作曲:Not Applicable

The snow

Once upon a time

At the top of a very high mountain

There was a massive rock

On the tip of the rock

There was a tiny flake of snow

The snowflake began examining the surrounding universe

Nearby he saw a sparkling icicle

Wow it must be quite amazing to be a giant icicle

Said the snowflake

The icicle did appear to be amazingly immense

It must surely give the icicle

Tremendous confidence to be such a dazzling

Substantive creature

The snowflake continued

Looking to see what surrounded him

He next caught sight of a snowman

The snowflake said

I wonder what it feels like to be

Such a creature as a snowman

The snowflake continued to look around him

Soon he spied a frozen spring

Emerging from one of the mountain's

Now certainly it must be very grand to be as important

As a spring said the snowflake

All of this observing had left the

Snowflake a bit confused

Now that he'd spent some time observing

His world he wondered if perhaps he was

No more than an insignificant speck

He said what am I next to say a frozen mountain

Spring a snowman or even an icicle

How can a little bit of snow like me possibly stay up

Here without shame among all of these other

More grand and important creations

The snowflake could find no happy note

In his pondering he said

Anyone looking up at this mounrain

Can see all the rest of the

Magnificent creatures that live here

But they won'tbe able to see me from down the mountain

It really isn't right

Such an insignificant scap of snow as I am

Has no right to such dizzy

Glorious heights

Why it would be no more than I deserve

If the sun wouldn't burn me

With a single flare of his golden rays

Who am I to think above this

I'll escape the sun's anger by going

Down to a level more fitting for something as

Small and inconsequential as I am

Having said all off this the little flake of snow tried

To throw himself from the massive rock

The snowflake was unable to budge

I can't even move myself down the mountain

I really am not good for much said the snowflake

But the snowflake was determined with a great

Effort rolled down from the mountain peak

Then an interesting thing began to

Happen the farther

He rolled the bigger he became

Soon he wasn't so small anymore

He has become a great snowball he continued to roll

Turning into a huge thundering avalanche

Finally the avalanche was at least as vast

As the hill beneath it

And so in the summer this tiny flake

Was the last of the snows to melt in the sun

In life one never knows how things will turn out
