Guitar Shopping



所属专辑:What You Whispered


@migu music@

Guitar Shopping - David Wilcox

Theres a guitar here in the window

Id like to play before its sold

Its such a classic mint condition

Great shape for one this old

Now all these axes have their stories

Of the gigs that they have seen

But when this one sold the first time

I was seventeen

'Course back then I didnt want it

It was way too new for me

I needed something old and righteous

With its own authority

So the first guitar I ever bought

Was twice as old as me

Cause its life was full of music

As I dreamed that mine might be

And I played that thing a thousand nights

And traded it away

For something slightly newer

That was easier to play

But now lately I buy new guitars

Theyre shiny as a hearse

I still like the look of road wear

But the roles have been reversed

And now this thing is a classic

But I still dont need to buy

Yeah the old ones have their stories

But by now so do I
