9 Praise Blindness Eyes


作曲:John Dowland

所属专辑:Julian Bream Plays Dowland And Bach


Dowland: Second Booke of Songes, 1600 - 9. Praise blindness eyes - Julian Bream/Golden Age Singers/Margaret Field-Hyde


作曲:John Dowland

Praise blindness' eyes for seeing is deceit

Be dumb vain tongue words are but flatt'ring winds

Break heart and bleed for there is no receipt

To purge inconstancy from most men's minds

And if thine ears false Heralds to thy heart

Convey unto thy head hopes to obtain

The tell thy hearing thou art deaf by art

Now love is art that wanted to be plain

And so I watched amazed and could not move

I know my dream was true and yet

And so I watched amazed and could not move

I know my dream was true and yet

I love
