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@migu music@
Smoke - Sandrayati
Lyrics by:Ólafur Arnalds/Sandrayati Fay
Composed by:Ólafur Arnalds/Sandrayati Fay
There was rain that fell for the first time in a long time
When the people from all over came together
And the wind sang as they gathered
Their voices like thunder they offered
In these elements are the dances of the loved ones
We've never met
They are here now
As they've always been
We will sing to them again
'Cause we're remembering we're remembering
Oh the skin
It has pigment of different tone
What would music be without harmony
Oh we need all of these ways to be
It's not make believe
It's not even believing
It's just seeing things as they are
I don't know anything
But I'm seeing all the bridges yet to be built
Most times there are things easier not to see
And so we don't
Take me oh truth do with me as you please
I am smoke that sees clearly
We are smoke seeing clearly