

作曲:Fyfe Hutchins



歌曲名 Redwings 歌手名 Guillemots



This is where we fall from the trees

This is where the sky covers up

Daft killers of joy you made a man out of me

And this is where the glass leaves the lens

Splintering a chemistry of friends

I'll treasure you always

You know I love you

You know I love you

You know I love you

And this is where we wake in the ditch

This is where our bodies sing no more

Fallen apples on the floor pecked at by redwings

So pour another whiskys out for me

It'll be the last bottle we share

As I drift into nowhere

Know that I loved you

Know that I loved you

Know that I loved you

But love was not enough to hold my grip

Can't you just feel my fingers slip

Into those oceans in the sky where people swim

Oceans in the sky calling me in

Oceans in the sky I tell myself

Though I'm not kidding anybody else

They know I'm leaving

So I'm leaving my best friend

Just for the hell of it

Just for the sake of it

But how much I loved you
