Kiss Me Now(网剧《猜猜我是谁》插曲)



所属专辑:Kiss Me Now


Kiss Me Now(网剧《猜猜我是谁》插曲) - 戴燕妮




编曲Music Arrangement:江潮


配唱Vocal Producer:金书宇@造梦嘉

法务支持Legal support:邹文锋

项目总制片人Project Chief Producer:周照中

项目制片人Project Producer:刘跇辰

和声Backing Vocal:戴燕妮

人声录音工程师Vocal Recording Engineer:杨宇@DSU Studio

人声录音室Vocal Recording Studio:DSU

混音&母带工程师Mixing&Mastering Engineer:顾潇予

项目总监Project Director:秦子祎

项目经理Project Management:周菁/刘润洁


封面设计Cover Disign:宋芳宏


出品/制作公司Production company:造梦嘉

出品人Presented By:王嘉诚



It has been a long time since we started the war

Having little tricks to gain the crown

Are you tired of defense Shall we stop the game

Come on We both know it s love

Don t lie to me

You love me too

So Kiss me now

Burn the fire on

Don t push me back

You want me too

Please hold me tight

Till the end of world

Ahhh~Kiss me now

Wooo~Kiss me now

Ahhh~Kiss me now

Wooo~Kiss me now

There must be a painter who drew all the lines

That was why we were doomed to lose control baby

Wake me up in the morning and give me that smile

And say come on let s have a dance of love

Don t lie to me

You love me too

So Kiss me now

Burn the fire on

Don t push me back

You want me too

Please hold me tight

Till the end of world

Ahhh~Kiss me now

Wooo~Kiss me now

Ahhh~Kiss me now

Wooo~Kiss me now

Ahhh~Kiss me now

Wooo~Kiss me now

Ahhh~Kiss me now

Wooo~Please Kiss me now

Kiss me now
