@migu music@
MISS JANE:When times is hard to endure
An' the world feels a wilderness
The times is fer makin' family
'Tis a wintry wind to be sure
An' when it won't quit blowin'
The times is fer goin' home
And as one sweet soul to another
You and I are a lullaby to each other
Hush, my darlin'
Hush-a-bye angel
I'm aside you heart an' hand
LEE:Ain't much bacon in the pan or coffee in the pot
Runnin' real low on firewood
But we sure as hell have us some family
Craziest bunch of fools was ever begot
But there ain't no figurin' what the Lord plans
An' I don't want no other man's home
BOTH:And as one sweet soul to another
A fam'ly tries to sing lullabies to each other
Hush, my darlin'
Hush-a-bye, angel
I'm aside you heart an' hand
Right aside you I will stand;
I will stand heart an' hand