Darkness(L Immoraliste)





Darkness (Limmoraliste) - Be Bop Deluxe

作曲:Bill Nelson

Darkness you are my priestess

Darkness you are my pride

My night in shining armour

Disarmer of every tide

That swept the beaches clean of starfish

A death-wish to my kind

Helpless heedless

Selfish needless to say

It's no surprise

You're with me most every night

You're with me most every night

Darkness you are my true love

Darkness you are my bride

My consummated passion

No fashionable disguise

A sleeping kiss

And my demon twin lays dreaming

By my side

Screaming grinning

Beating pinioned wings

Against the skies

I sail with you most every night

I know the truth

The secrets of a soul I know I know

But no-one listens

No no-one hears

I've seen the light

The poets bright and distant mirror

They are searching there

I have seen them there

For I have travelled there

And they are searching there

For a home
