Another February (Radio Edit)



所属专辑:The Another February Ep


@migu music@

You're digging out your car again.

The chair left in the yard has another life again.

Another February snows and snows.

Go on.

The bartenders are down.

Another February.

Spare a dime.

Another February slightly worse than January.

Oh, God I lost the thread.

That goddamn battery's dead.

I can't kick the cough.

The heat's been turned off.

The family unit tightens.

You bounce another check.

The dog's a nervous wreck.

And I smell like a brewery.

A measure of my misery.

Another February.

Scratch for food.

Another February slightly worse than January.


A little bit of love and...

Another February.

Belts are tightened.

Daddy's frightened.

Another February so much worse than January.

A little bit of love and luck.
