United We Stand



所属专辑:Life Is a Miracle


歌曲名 United We Stand 歌手名 Pato Banton



Oh brotherly love that's all we want

Oh sisterly love that's all we need

United we stand divided we fall

Unity is strength together we'll build a human wall

Whether you're black or whether your white

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

There is so much work to be done

And two heads sometimes are better than one

Two heads sometimes are better than one

So work together

Yes we must pray together

That's why we are struggling together

I know we must forward together

U N I T Y spells unity U N I T Y

U N I T Y spells unity U N I T Y

U N I T Y spells unity

That's what we need now ina dis community

No more racism or animosity

Let's replace them with generosity

One for all and all for one

Each one teach one how to get along

Divided we fall but together we strong

If we all unite we could never go wrong

Let's unfold our minds

And open our eyes

Let's try and make

The wrong things right

Courage is what to show

In the heat of the battle

Comrades come let's go

We don't need no more trouble

Courage is what to show

In the heat of the battle

Comrades come let's go

We don't need no more trouble

U N I T Y spells unity U N I T Y

U N I T Y spells unity U N I T Y

I had a dream yes I had a vision

Of all people living as one

Black white red and yellow man

Underneath Jah Jah moon and sun

Some may say Pato Banton is a dreamer

But I know I'm not the only one

I'm optimistic about the future

Cause I believe ina The Most High's plan

U For universal unity

N Negociation for peace are necesary

I Is instill internacional integrity

T To turn the tides of tirany

Why 'Cause that's the way it should be

All people living ina harmony

Come on

U N I T Y spells unity U N I T Y
