@migu music@
Live Righteous - SpiRitual
Friday that we default jam
Shall we do this jam
I need a little bit nut
No lead not jam
You're ne potent wine
Oh rasta fari
No one is worthin'
Just tried to live righteous
No one
No one is perfect
Just try to live righteous
Slept the one
The rules stop him to the best of us
The words stop him to the best of us
The words stop him to the best of us
Beat to be mouth tap your eyes
Before you be kept out damn I
Beat to be mouth tap your eyes
Before you be kept out damn I
Oh yeah no one
I said no one
He used it out seen pass
The first store
He used it out seen pass
The first store
He used it out seen pass
The first store
He used it out seen pass
The first store
Oh this is not fathers sweet
Heart found you can enjoy it
Used it in this caja ja
It will followin' your heart
Followin' your heart
Why yayanayanaah
No one is perfect
Just tried to live righteous
No one
No one is perfect
Just tried to live righteous
Has in no one
No one perfect
No one
Just try to live righteous
No one
No one is perfect
Just try to live righteous
Eh no one
Here is the love fari ta da
Asi we de li y
We where is the love my sister and brother
Here's the love for each other
Where we he
Where is the love my sister and brother
Love by neighbor I said to love
As you would love your self love
'Anna die mother
'Anna die father
No one is perfect
Just tried to live righteous
No one
No one is perfect
Just tried to live righteous
I said no one
No one
No one no one
No one no one
No one no one
No one is perfect
Just tried to live righteous
No one
No one no one
No one
I said no one
No one is pecfect
No one
No one is pecfect
No one
I said no one
No one no one no one
Killin' no one
No one
Killin no one
No one no one no one
Killin' no one