
歌曲名 Flight Into Egypt 歌手名 Neal Mayer+Michael Arden And The Hunchback Of Notre Dame Ensemble



You have to save her save her

Me oh what's the matter

Are you afraid

Of course he's afraid

And he should be

But that's what makes you a hero

Doing what you're afraid of

A hero

Or a saint

You mean like saint

Oho saint

What's your name again

Saint aphrodisius

The bishop of beziers

I was beheaded by

A mob in place saint

And though I made a choice

I did not know would bring

My grizzly modering

I wouldn't change a thing

For I kept safe and free

The holy family

On that flight into egypt

Land of the date and palm

I offered shelter

To her who is notre dame

If that's what I could do

Then quasimodo you can too

But even if I could go out there

How can I find her

The amulet she gave you

But what is it

Just a web and a jewel

It doesn't mean anything

No it must be a clue

Made with guile and art

And she gave it to you

Because she knows you're smart

Think quasimodo is it hopeless

Or can you see in it something

You've seen before

Seen before


I know this look

At this line

That's a bridge

That's a street

And this jewel

It must show where

We're supposed to meet

You've done it quasimodo

This we're certain of

It's a map haa

It's a map look

It's the city scene from above

It's a map of the city from above

I'll do it

I'll go out there while it's dark

I'll find esmeralda

And bring her back


Just like the angel

Who warned Joseph he must flee

I'll save esmeralda

Her angel will be me

I'll give her sanctuary

Somewhere safe to hide

Protected at my side

A little like a bride

I saints in stone and song

For her I will be strong

And your flight into egypt

Just may last your whole life long

Yes your flight into egypt

Will last

Our whole life long
