歌曲名 Sonya And Natasha 歌手名 Brittain Ashford And Phillipa Soo
作曲:Dave Malloy
How was it I noticed nothing
How could it go so far
It can't be that she loves him
It can't be
Sonya you're back
And with the tender resolve
that often comes
at the moment of awakening
I embraced my friend
But noticing Sonya's look of embarrassment
My face expressed confusion
And suspicion
Sonya you've read the letter
Oh Sonya I'm glad
I can't hide it any longer
Now you know we love one another
Oh Sonya he writes he writes
He writes he writes he writes
And Andrey
Oh Sonya if you only knew how happy I am
You don't know what love is
But Natasha can that all be over
I do not grasp the question
Are you refusing Prince Andrey
Oh you don't understand anything
Don't talk nonsense just listen
But I can't believe it I don't understand
How you loved one man a whole year
And suddenly
You've only known him three days
Natasha you're joking
Three days
It seems to me
I've loved him a hundred years
It seems to me
that I've never loved anyone before
Sonya wait a bit sit here
I had heard that it happens like this
And you must have heard it too
But it's only now
That I feel such love
It's not the same as before
He's my master and I am his slave
What can I do
Sonya what can I do
I'm so happy
And so frightened
Why can't you understand
I love him
Then I won't let it come to that I shall tell
Bursting into tears
What do you mean
For God's sake
if you tell you are my enemy
You want me to be miserable
You want to tear us apart
For God's sake Sonya don't tell anyone
don't torture me
I have confided in you
What has happened between you
What has he said to you
Why doesn't he come to the house
and openly ask for you hand
Why this secrecy
Have you thought
what his secret reasons may be
I don't know what the reasons are
But there must be reasons
Sonya one can't doubt him
One can't one can't Don't you understand
Does he love you
Does he love me
Why you've read his letter you've seen him
I can't live without him
Natasha think of our family
And think of Prince Andrey
Andrey said I was free to refuse him
But you haven't refused him or have you
Perhaps I have
Perhaps all is over between me and Bolkonsky
Would you think so badly of me
I won't succumb to your tender tone Natasha
I don't trust him Natasha
I'm afraid for you Natasha
Afraid you are going to your ruin
Then I'll go to my ruin yes I will
as soon as possible
But it's not your business
It won't be you it'll be me who'll suffer
Leave me alone yes leave me alone
I hate you Sonya
I hate you Sonya
I hate you I hate you
You're my enemy forever
I burst into sobs
And without a moment's reflection
I wrote the answer to Princess Mary
I'd been unable to write all morning
All our misunderstandings are at an end
Forget everything and forgive me
But I can't be Andrey's wife