
歌曲名 A Way Back To Then 歌手名 Heidi Blickenstaff



dancing in the backyard

kool-aid mustache and butterfly wings

hearing andrea mccartle sing

from the high-fi in the den

I've been waiting my whole life

to find a way back to then

i aimed for the sky

a nine year old can see so far

ill conquer the world and be a star

ill do it all by the time im ten

I would know that confidence

if i knew a way back to then

so i bailed on my hometown

and became a college theater dork

i was east bound and down

moving to new york

so i crammed my life in a UHaul

to find my part of it all

but the mundain sets in

we play by the rules and

plow through the days the years take us

miles away from the time we wondered when

we find a way back to then

and when you least expect

opportunity walks through the door

you suddenly connect with a thing

that you forgot that you've been looking for

and there you are

right in the middle of what you love

with the craziest of company

you're having a kickass time

and being who you wanted to be in this world

you're that little girl with her wings unfurled

flying again

back in the backyard dancing

i found a way back to then
