Do Not Wanna Be Here



所属专辑:Ordinary Days (Original Cast Recording)


歌曲名 Do Not Wanna Be Here 歌手名 Kate Wetherhead



I grew up in like the middle of nowhere

And I swore I would never go back

My hometown was like the suburb of a suburb

I actually lived on a cul-de-sac

That's literally a road that goes nowhere

That's the definition of dead end

I said

I can't wait to learn to do a three-point-turn

Because I don't wanna be here

In four long years

I finished up with high school

Graduated top of my class Thank you

But in college I discovered

that devising my own major

Was a bureaucratic pain in the ass

I thought I'd recontextualize Sartre

But could only register for first-year French Ha

Well you should've heard my mom

when I dropped the bomb

And said I don't wanna be here

No I don't wanna be here

Now I am not a negative person

It's just that I've always known

that I had places to go

Dreams to fulfill and ideas to discover

They're just never where I am

So anyway back at school

I waited five semesters

Till I could snag one of their random degrees

I moved down south

'cause I heard everyone was hiring

And they were At the Applebee's

They fired me like three weeks later

My sublet promptly whoops fell through

As I checked into a hotel

I said It's just as well

Because I don't wanna be here

No I don't wanna be here

And I I was not a negative person

So I packed up my bags

though I had no place to go

I opened a map and said

Show me my future

'Cause it isn't where I am

I finally got a job at some hum-drum office

Like everyone right out of school does

I sat there at my cubicle every day

Sending faxes and that's what my life was

Oh I went back home and said to my parents

I know what I've got to do

And since I am a dork

I moved to New York

And I started grad school

I really don't wanna be here
