
歌曲名 Enough 歌手名 Kerry Butler





You're never to blame

There's nothing you could do

It's always the same

So that you can feel good

You just turn a blind eye

But you can't live like that

Bill and neither can I

I hope you'd stop doing it Bill

You'd learn to be whole

And stop leading two lives

But now I know that you never will

I just can't see how our marriage survives

Bill why do you do this stuff

Why do you need more

Aren't I enough

Why do you need someone else

What did I do wrong

Did I bring this on myself

Was I just too strong

You're the one that I talk too to

know what to do

I don't know where to turn to

Now I can't turn to you

Bill we used to work as a team

Together we could have accomplished it all

But now you have shattered that dream

You threw it away over something so small

The thing that is so damn tough is

I still love you Bill

But is that enough

Yes we need love

But trust is needed more

In the past you've screwd up

But never lied to me before

So how can I know nothing else is going on

The trust is destroyed and all we built is gone

Cause I had a dream to prusue

I set it aside to support as your wife

But now that is gone cause of you

And you've made a waste of a half of my life

I'm not gonna take any more

If this is your choice then you make it alone

And I will not be ignored

It's time I start building a life of my own

Cause now I have ENOUGH

I've made up my mine

Enough is enough
