
歌曲名 Hundred Story City 歌手名 Hunter Foster+Lisa Brescia+Kate Wetherhead+And Jared Gertner



What am I doing here

In the middle of freaking New York City

Blurting out proposals

and holding Cabernet

And what am I doing here with Claire

trying to push our lives somewhere

she clearly doesn't want since she is gone

And if we're moving nowhere

should I move on

I move to the city and I thought I couldn't take it

And certaintly I never thought I'd stay

and then she came along

and was the one thing in the city

that made me feel like I belonged here

every single day

No matter where she'd take me

she would always make mean

part of some great tapestry world had spun

i can always look at her and not feel so alone

And suddenly that's done

Isn't it

Cause now I can't make heads

or tails of what we have been doing

i thought stepping up and moving in

would make things clear

The one thing in this city that

I always thought was certain

She and I were hard to make a future here

And maybe I was careless

maybe I should try to wear less of my heart

upon my sleeve and let her say goodbye

But I don't want to start that now

I don't want to let go

Cause she's the only reason why

I'm living in this hundred story city

Where you gotta hold on tight to what you care for

She's why I'm one out of a hundred million people

Sticking out the angry cars

the crowded streets the lack of stars

putting up with so much it's all a blur

and that's what I've been doing just to be with her

So I don't know understand what I'm supposed do now

Why are there so many people in my way

I don't understand these people

Why am I

always standing still

I wish that I could make the people disappear

Accept for her

No crowds

No moms

a flier

Some space

I just want to see her

What am I doing in this hundred story city

Where you're always moving fast but going nowhere

Oh I don't care if there's a hundred million people

I just want to be with one

I always told you Claire that there was nothing

we wouldn't make it through

But you've unearthed a breakup clause

Which is wanting to put life on pause

So Jesus Claire

What now
