
歌曲名 In My House 歌手名 The Great Comet Original Cast



You shameless good for nothing

You vile shameless girl

In my house

In my house

A nice girl Very nice

You dirty nasty wench of a thing

Now don't you say one word

In my house

In my house

Horrid girl hussy

It's lucky for him he escaped

but I'll find him

Now you listen to me

when I speak to you

Now you listen to me

when I speak to you

In my house

In my house

Do you hear what I am saying or not

Natasha's whole body shook

With noiseless convulsive sobs

Marya touched her hand to her face

Don' touch me

Let me be What is it to me I shall die

What are we to tell your father Eh

In my house

In my house

What are we to tell Prince Andrey Eh

Oh what do we tell your betrothed

I have no betrothed I have refused him

Natasha come here kiss me

Press your wet face to mine

Don't touch me

Why didn't he come to the house

Why didn't he openly ask for your hand

You were not kept under lock and key

Carrying you off like some gypsy girl

And if he had carried you off

don't you think your father

would have found him

Your father I know him

He will challenge him

to a duel and what then

Will that be all right Eh

He's a scoundrel

he's a wretch That's a fact

He is better than any of you I say

He is better than any of you I say

Why did you interfere

Oh God what is it all

What is it

Who are you to tell me anything

Sonya why

Go away

Everyone go away

Marya Dmitryevna tried to speak again

but Natasha cried out

Go away Go away

You all hate and despise me

And she threw herself down on the sofa



I put a pillow under her head

Covered her with two quilts

Brought her a glass of lime flower water

But Natasha did not respond

let her sleep

Let her sleep

But Natasha was not asleep

Her face was pale

Her eyes wide open

All that night she did not sleep or weep

She sat at the window

Waiting for him
