
歌曲名 The Me I See 歌手名 Tom Galantich+Duke Lafoon+Kerry Butler+Clinton The Musical Ensemble



Now he's finally gone

and I can go on to a brighter dawn

You'll see just you wait

I'll make four years great

And I'll make them eight Or Twevle

And then I'll appear at my film premier played

by Ritchard Gere

When they tink of me

they'll think honesty and morality

The me I see will be transforming welfare

The me I see will give universal health care

On the Internet Nah

it would never work

The me I see counldn't rather be else were

when here I'll be The me I see

So this is it is it After all I've done

Soon your gonna lern you will crash

and burn and then I'll return

And when I am through they'll see me not you

And they'll like it too

The me I see has a statue of Clinton

And it will be even bigger than Lincoln's

Symbolically I am standing here thinking

that they'll all see

The me I see

I'm awesome they've chosen me

I'm awesome

I'm Hillary I'm awesome

I'll get my fame

They'll scream my name

Rodham Clinton

I'm on a roll

Rodham Clinton

I'm in controll

Rodham Clinton I'll be living large

Cause I'll be the one in charge

We'll be two for one

I will get things done

I will have some fun

Have some fun

Watch as I prevail

Watch me get some tail

Checking my Email

The me I see

Is commander and chief

The me I see

Will stand by my believes

The me I see

Looks so sexy in Brei

Now I can be The me I see And the me I see is



The me I see
