
@migu music@

JAS - Tim Deluxe

This is ah a kind of a mass culture culture

We live in We live in

And it makes you you look you look

You look like something like something

Or act something that you really aren't

You know it's like uhm

Uhm falseness it's like a mass personality

Jas made me so narrow narrow

That I couldn't I couldn't

Really really do again

My self justice justice

So so so so

I disbroke totally away from that home

Mother dones thing

They had lot of rules and regulations

To it's just didn't fit with me you know

I wanna do this the way I wanna do

I wanna do tellin' my own destiny

I wanna determine how I am to speak on a state

I don't wanna be a mass personality

I don't wanna be a one dimension one dimension

I wanna be me I wanna be human

Jas jas jas jas

Wild states

Leave us alone

John call train

Alice call train

They are very serious kind of odds

They approch there

They craft a disent life

They away of light

Jas jas jas jas

Form of new relaxation

It's a form of emotion release

I felt great I felt lifted

And I realized once I began to take

My heart pond seriously

That the divinity will wrap me

Jas jas jas jas

Jas jas jas jas

Jas jas jas jas

Jas jas jas jas

You gave me a dicipline

You gave me a an ablility

To to expand my mental power

Because then I have to begin to analyze

I look into out of emotional this feelin'

And all of this gave me a a a sense of totalness

Totalness Totalness

I need to be in an atmosphere

That is free that is open

That is driving the truth truth

And not somebody else dictating to you

How to do your thing thing thing

Jas jas jas jas

Wild states

Leave us alone

John call train

Alice call train

They are very serious kind of odds

They approch there

They craft a disent life

They away of light

Jas jas jas jas

And I used to see they or they not listen

All of this beautiful voices

Hmm like voices

And because of that

I got very involve of blackness

'Cause it is more more me I guest
