




Persevere - Sienna Skies


Always fighting against the world

At least it feels that way

Now I'm going to say what I am feeling

This could make you

Feel that something's fading in you

You know and I know

That if we keep on screaming

Someone will listen

It's hard feeling this way

Like everything is coming down

On my chest and on my shoulders

This weight of the world

And this hollow feeling

This may just be the death of me

Unless I keep fighting

I'm here and I

Always will feel something like this

Be strong hold on

If you just keep on fighting

You will survive this

I know it seems hard

But believe in yourself

Scratch off the rust

Wipe off the dust

Surviving's a must

Just keep pushing on

It's hard feeling this way

Like everything is coming down

On my chest and on my shoulders

This weight of the world

And this hollow feeling

This may just be the death of me

Unless I keep fighting

I've tried

And I've tried

And I've tried

To see a positive side

But I just can't see it

There's nothing to see but darkness

Wait what is that

A light at the end

Maybe there's hope

Maybe I see it

I see it
