@migu music@
Good afternoon, my name is general Boregard Stoneseee
Young lady down the hall told me, that I could apply for a disc jockey's position here
You see, when I leave the army, I wanna become a radio personality
Is there anything I'd have to sign, or any particular thing I have to do?
So you're saying if I can say that, I could become a disc jockey?
Mm-hmm... let me contemplate for a moment here
Uh... I have all of the Lawrence Welk records, and uh...
I know real groovy sayings
Could you- could you just say it one more time, please?
Mmm... sounds easy to do. And I have, uh...
An entire collection of Lawrence Welk records to starts me off
And I know the hip slang, like "groovy"
Could you tell me, if this type of music is considered "funk", by aby chance?
Because my feet are moving, in a primitive manner
And uh... I do "feel the funk", as it were
So would you please give me, uh...
"Clearly, uh, really sincerely"... uh, one more time?
(oh, okay, I...)
(I think I have it now)
(uh, uh, excuse me-)
(I think I have it now)
(I clearly, really...)
(feel the funk)