Girt By Sea


作曲:J Williamson

所属专辑:His Favourite Collection


Girt by Sea - John Williamson


Oh there's nothing like a Sunday morning

Vegemite on toast

Having all your rel's around for a Sunday roast

To top it off down under what we all like most

Is taking off your shoes and walking 'round the coast

'Coz we're Girt By Sea Girt By Sea

Was your great great great

Great great great great aborigine

Or did he come by ship

Well it's all the same to me

We're a dirty great big island

Girt By Sea

We got man-eating spiders and twelve meter sharks

Drop-bears death adders in our national parks

Watch out for crocodile's tiger snakes and stingers

There's no place for cowboys

We call the ringers

Where we're Girt By Sea

We girt By Sea

Was your great great great

Great great great great aborigine

Or did he come by ship

Well it's all the same to me

We're a dirty great big island

Girt By Sea

We got great lookin' shiela's and rough headed mates

Two territories and six other states

Tiger prawns and hu-mungous T-bone steaks

But we don't have no border wars

Well there's wells but they'll break

When you're Girt By Sea

Girt By Sea

Was your great great great great

Great great great aborigine

Or did he come by ship

Well it's all the same to me

We're a dirty great big island

Girt By Sea

There's the great Southern Rail way

And Southern Cross at night

The Great Ocean Road and the great Australian Bite

The Great Sandy Desert and the Great Barrier Reef

And the great dividing range ooh my good grief

We're Girt By Sea

We're girt By Sea

Was your great great great great

Great great great aborigine

Or did he come by ship

Well it's all the same to me

We're a dirty great big island

Girt By Sea

Yes we're Girt By Sea we're Girt By Sea

Was your great great great great

Great great great aborigine

Or did he come by ship

Well it's all the same to me

We're a dirty great big island

Girt By Sea
