Growing pains (1990 Remix/Remaster)

作词:Arthur Schwartz


所属专辑:Basie Swings, Bennett Sings


Growing Pains (1990 Remix / Remaster) - Count Basie/Tony Bennett


One day your mama drops

The hem of your skirt

Next day you give up yelling

What's for dessert

You can't explain it but you're

One solid hurt

Baby you've got growing pains

Your Christmas penny

Doesn't look half so bright

Papa's not president

Since maybe tonight

When you're not quite

So sure that Mom's always right

Baby you've got growing pains

Nothing's wrong just growing pains

And they'll never hurt too long

When there are cobwebs

In dreams that you weave

When there's no magic

In the words 'Make believe'

When doubt comes peeping

Out and tugs at your sleeve

Baby you've got growing pains

When you come home from

School and don't slam the door

Ride down the banisters

Or slide 'cross the floor

When you don't cry

For every toy in the store

Baby you've got growing pains

They're not bad

Just growing pains

You'll be awfully glad you had
