The Remainderer - The Fall
He's forgot
How to break loose
Become a tree
Become a tree
Break loose
Whatever it is it is always rememberance are
Whatever it is it is always remainderer are
Your scumbag it's true
Never forget
This is you each week
Rememberance are
You know
Rememberance forgets
And beyond jeopardy that all we are
Beyond he sees
I think of you
And whatever it is it is always remainderer are
Remainder are
He throwed his kool aid out his stool
Into the bucket
Rememberance is worth nothing
It was a good day
Whatever that is
It was a bright sunny rain riddled morning
But it removed his back flute
Breeding pits
As he kept
There was nothing there
From rememberance are
He has forgotten
That whatever it is it is always rememberer are
Whatever you think it is always remainderer are
And whatever you think it is always remainderer are
And whatever you think
And whatever you bring
It's true
Rememberence are
Whether 90s or 70s
Your spots in projects
In words