Weird Superman





歌曲名 Weird Superman 歌手名 Straw



If I learned to sing

I would in a telephone booth

Urine junk and chewing gum

Looking down on my street

I'm cracking up

I'm happy you noticed

I wrote a song for all of us

I forgot how it feels

I am a weird superman

I could not fly but on alcohol

I can leap tall buildings

I'm indestructible yeah you

Could try but I'm a weird superman

I have been called

I have been called

I'm giving up I'm going under

She said I really loved your early stuff

Wait here for the sequel I'm throwing up

I'm happy you noticed

Erode a song for all of us

I forgot how it feels

I am a weird superman

I could not fly but on alcohol

I can leap tall buildings

I'm indestructible yeah you

Could try but I'm a weird superman

I have been called

You won't find out

You won't find out anyway

You won't find out because

I've bean using my X ray

I see through you

You see through me

But that's OK maybe

I am a weird superman

I could not fly but on alcohol

I can leap tall buildings

I'm indestructible yeah you

Could try but I'm a weird superman

I have been called

I have been called
