@migu music@
Do do do do how many gentle flowers grow
In an english country garden
I'll tell you now of some of them I know
And those I miss you'll surely pardon
Daffodils heart's ease and flox
Meadowsweet and lilies stocks gentle lupins and tall hollyhocks
Roses foxgloves snowdrops and forget me nots
In an english country garden interviews bengbengbengbeng
How many insects build their homes
In an english country garden
I'll tell you now of some of them I know
And those I miss I trust you will pardon
Dragonflies and moths and bees spiders falling from the trees
Butterflies sway in the cool gentle breeze
There are wasps' empty homes
And tiny little gnomes in an english country garden
Interview emmm bengbengbengbeng
How many songbirds
Actually I've seen some of these gardens they talk about
And the sort of impression you get is that it's
Wet underfoot and the leaves are thick with soot
In an english country garden
Newspapers torn and strewn across the lawn
In an english country garden
Litter garbage in the yards little doggies' calling cards
One scraggy rosebud peering through the weeds
For they've all downed tools
While they do their football pools in an english country garden
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