Theme generique fin ''Golden The pony Boy''

作词:Kimiko Ono

作曲:Kimiko Ono

所属专辑:The Science of Sleep


歌曲名 Thème générique fin ''Golden The Pony Boy''

歌手名 Kimiko Ono

作曲:Jean-Michel Bernard

Cotton and cardboard cellophane and paper thread needle to employ

All felt and fabric birds fly and cats play

Golden the pony boy

Made out of cloth and standing so still just like a simple toy

Gray as the sky on a day without sun

Golden the pony boy

Screwdrivers rubber bands glue guns and pliers tools to create or destroy

Patiently waiting un calculating

Golden the pony boy

Flying wheels and coloured reels

Spin into motion

Bringing him lots of joy

Trot canter gallop

Over land and sea

Golden the pony boy
