


所属专辑:Lamb's Bread


Unite - Welton Irie


What I say is the most you know

So now people are forced in a close call

Beacause this is the most yes it is

I said the revaluation is the most

I said the revaluation is the most

But love ain't the for some baby

But love ain't the for some baby

We seem a little corus

And men when I say is the revaluation is the most

I said the revaluation is the most

So wheather your black or miss wheather you're white

In the time light is we see is after your night

'Cause that's the only way we enter the jah jah side

I said the revaluation is the most

I said the revaluation is the most

Come in and step in the Africa

In this song we said is we step inside the Africa

Copme in down and step inside my radar

Loving unity is what we don't run see

See what we don't want no war on a crew jahlitika fale

Carcaca fale carcaca fale

I see you praise up the photo I till in your wallet

I said the revaluation is the most

Revaluation is the most

United we stand

Evaded we found so now people you gotta get on the bus

When you step it on the Africa

And if is say is when you step down my radar

Medoya solaong in a disalika lang

All I see is your tribulation

When you step on the gubabila

Jubida when you step it on the jaya

When you step it on the jaya and chant to the lion

Two way your ragid and your bob and iyan

I said the revaluation is the most

I said the revaluation is the most

Anjasta and your eye clear

To raily and bored till your eye layer

And don't ask on me and some one stay

That we sing it down the margarita

And see your vada

I said the revaluation is the most

Revaluation step on the pavilion you know

And track more jayan

Afri Afri Africa

The more you fight for is for fadar and your madar

The more rights earn for your sister

You know I say that revaluation is the most

I say that revaluation is the most

Said we love it on the first

And we love it down the coast

'Cause when you step it on the jaka sing the nisa corus

I say that revaluation is the most

I say that revaluation is the most

When two guys stick together lanes

Don't found a letter

Till in now people thinks going to be better

When we step it down on the Africa

And miss

When you say is when you step it dwon the Africa

I say when we step in on the olemus jaya

And cut the revaluation sala let me tell you

Said the legal on more to you when the tametums dead

Following the devil and it make us go away

Step it on the jah and you make us gonna stay

Let the musical sound for you and your the meterials lid

I say that revaluation is the most

Revaluation is the most

United we stand and devided we found

So now people you get on the
