Cantinho (2010 Digital Remaster;)



所属专辑:Acto Continuo


@migu music@

Cantinho - Jorge Palma

Where are you Jesus

You who have been a sailor

You who could feel at home

No matter where you are

If now I'm calling you with my song

That's because I still long

To recognize each and everyone as my brother

And not just as another stranger

Où es tu Jesus

Toi qui es devenu marin

Toi qui étais chez toi

Dans n'importe quel coin

Si maintenant je chante ton nom

C'est parce que je pensetu peux m'aider

À trouver dans chaqu'un

Un frère

Et pas seulement un étranger

Por onde andas tu Jesus

Tu que quiseste ser marinheiro

Tu que estavas em casa

No mundo inteiro

Se agora te invoco na minha canção

É porque ainda creio que isto tem salvação

Ajuda me a verem cada um

Um irmão

E não apenas mais um estrangeiro

Where are you Jesus

You who have been a sailor

You who could feel at home

No matter where you are

If now I'm calling you with my song

That's because I still long

To recognize each and everyone as my brother

And not just as another stranger
