
歌曲名 Up 'Ards

歌手名 Stanley Holloway

作曲:Marriott Edgar

Twere getting dusk one winter's night

When up the clough there came in sight

A lad who carried through the snow

A banner with this ere motto


His face was glum as he did pass

His eyes were shiny just like glass

And as he went upon his way

He nobbut this ere word did say


And people sitting down to tea

They heard him plan as plain can be

They thowt twere final football score

As this ere word rang out once more


A policeman on his lonely beat

He stopped the lad up t end of t street

He said Where't going wi that theer

The lad just whispered in his ear


Don't go down t clough the policeman said

It's mucky road for thee to tread

Canal's at bottom deep and wide

That's not my road the lad replied

It's Up ards

A young lass stopped him further up

She said Come in wi me and sup

He said I'm takin none o yon

Besides I must be getting on


Next day some lads had just begun

To tak' their whippets for a run

When dogs got scratching in the snow

And found flag with this ere motto


That set them digging all around

And twasn't long before they found

A lad whose name they never learned

Whose face was white whose toes had turned


Twas very plain for to behold

The lad had ta'en his death o cold

He'd got his feet wet early on

And from his feet the cold had gone


This story only goes to show

That when the fields is white wi snow

It's inadvisable to go

