
@migu music@

Three roads of doom - Catharsis

I stand on the top

Of the high mountain

Three roads of doom

Lies before me

And I must decide

Which road to choose

I'll change in one wink

Or I'll stay myself

The first way proclaims

Be strange to yourself

Your problems will die forever

And your future life

You'll see in bright lights

But you will be departed

On this mortal way

Your soul will starve

It is now, you change

Damage of brains

..... once for all

And so I stand

Of the high mountain

The horizon calls me

I stay on my way

The second way says

You must be oneself

Life is a Hell

But you will be a hero

Attack of the society

Will be corrupt

Your name is heretic

In this latter days

Yourself understood by

One or two friends

Heretic is enemy

For every man

And hero will be dead

In our time

Will die being young man

..... you'll die, you'll die

The third way proclaimed

Deceive and restrain

Pretend adopt

Things as they are

Put on your feeling

The Fantasy mask

Hide soul in lies

You live now calmly

But soul's not a bird

It can't live in cage

It pins for some time

..... and dies

You'll be it's companion

In leaving the world

Your life is too ruthless

For mercy to wait

I stand on the top

Of the high mountain

Three roads of doom

Lies before me

Hot beams of the sun

Hit my breast

Wind rocks my hair

And calls to the west

I've no decision

Which way to be lead by?

The destiny chosen

But is my choice right?

One road's untaken

Invisible one

To hell or to heaven

Your essence will come

The road is simple

From top of the mountain

You'll knock sea of clouds

And enter your dreams

You will find yourself

In dead sleeps of yours

And music will sound

In the world of daydreams

At the foot of the rock

Where three fates were met

Wind horribly blows

..... in darkness

In rock my remains

Remains of my love

Which was fairy tale

You helped to DESTROY IT!

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Ветер носит останки

Останки любви

Всё как сказка была

