
歌曲名 Bein' Green

歌手名 Kermit The Frog

作词:Joe Raposo

Greetings Kermit the Frog here

And today I'd like to tell

You a little bit about the color green

Do you know what's green

Well I am for one thing

You see frogs are green

And I'm a frog

And that means I'm green you see

It's not that easy bein' green

Having to spend each day

The color of the leaves

When I think it could be nicer

Being red or yellow or gold

Or something much more colorful like that

It's not easy bein' green

It seems you blend in with

So many other ordinary things

And people tend to pass

You over 'cause you're

Not standing out like flashy

Sparkles in the water

Or stars in the sky

But green's the color of Spring

And green can be cool and friendly-like

And green can be big like an ocean

Or important like a mountain

Or tall like a tree

When green is all there is to be

It could make you wonder why

But why wonder why wonder

I am green and it'll do fine

It's beautiful

And I think it's what I want to be
