
歌曲名 Proud of Me

歌手名 Grover

作词:Carol Hall/Caroll Hall/Sam Pottle

We am very proud of you

We think we will sing out loud of you

There ought to be a crowd of you

Because you am so special

Yes we do have pride in you

We love ev'ry bright blue side of you

We feel so satisfied in you

Because you am so special

P R I D E spells pride

That is P R I D E

Pride is the feeling of feeling good about me

About me

Yes indeed I please myself indeed I please myself

My fingers my toes my knees myself My fingers my toes my knees myself

I hug and kiss and squeeze myself

Because I am so special

We seldom have a doubt of you

We love ev'ry in and out of you

We think I have to shout of you

Because you am so very very very very proud

Of you

Of me

Of you of me

Of you of me

Of you
