It Happened Two Sundays Ago



所属专辑:Try A Little Sunshine (The British Psychedelic Sounds Of 1969)


歌曲名 It Happened Two Sundays Ago

歌手名 Nirvana


See that hag down there by the stream

There's no trouble she hasn't seen

Once they called her Riverboat Queen

Her evil reigned supreme

Ruled with the gun

Fearful of none

Murdered for gain

Long was her reign

Drank with the men

Foulmouthed and mean

Riverboat Queen

She took lovers threw them away

Gave them to her pirates to play

Then it happened one tragic day

She really falls in love

Wakes in the morn

Finds he has gone

Up on the deck

There by his neck

Hung from the mast

Oh how she screams

Riverboat Queen

Down the galley ladder she treads

All her crewmen drunk in their beds

Puts a ball in each of their heads

Then blows the ship to hell

Swims to the shore

Pirate no more

Now she's a shell

Ageing unwell

Exiled ignored

Left to her dreams

Riverboat Queen
