The Mouth Organ





歌曲名 The Mouth Organ

歌手名 Momus

She took the stand

Her time had come

To describe the screech of tyres

The sudden hit and run

She pulled out from her purse

The mouth organ

Began describing all she d seen

In an eerie haunting tune

The cloudy afternoon

The unexpected turn

Resulting in the death

Of the pedestrian

How the accident was caused

How the current war

And all that happens in this world

Has been written in the stars

From the day that they invented the car

She finished up

A little out of breath

The judge stood up

And threw out all her arguments

He had a good mind so he said

To sentence her to death

But she d suffered quite enough

Said the counsel for defence

She stepped out of the court

Happy to be freed

Failed to see the laundry van

Bearing down at speed

All that happens in this world

Has been written in the stars

From the day they invented the car
