I Refuse To Die



所属专辑:Ocky Milk


歌曲名 I Refuse to Die

歌手名 Momus

Death comes for all

But I plan to be out when he calls

Out sunbathing in the snow

But don't tell Death I told you so

I refuse to die

The reaper came to say I had to die

I said Sorry Grim some other time

I said Old Miss Bryce who lives next door

Go ask her she's 104

I refuse to die

I will not bow to the reaper's scythe

I'll ride away on my Triumph motorbike

I don't have time see I've got plans

I've gotta build a house on the Morecambe Sands

I refuse to die

Well you can take your hourglass and your scythe

And stick it in a place where the sun don't shine

I won't go easy into the night

I will not go without a fight

I refuse to die

Life may not be spiffy every day

But it's a damn sight better than rotting clean away

I'd rather chase scallops on the Blackpool sands

I'd rather play Scrabble my thyroid glands

I'd rather be in a deckchair by the sea

I'd rather be at Lyon's drinking tea

I'd rather be just about anywhere
