The Story of The Phantom

作词:Danny Abosch,John Maclay

作曲:Danny Abosch,John Maclay

所属专辑:Goosebumps The Musical: Phantom of the Auditorium(Original Studio Cast Recording)


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The Story of The Phantom - Krystina Alabado/Will Roland/Stephanie Styles

Composed by:Danny Abosch/John Maclay

Produced by:Danny Abosch

Ok put on your listening ears for five minutes

Come on good now just listen

Long ago there lived a man

His name was carlo and he ran

An ancient theater where his daughter was the star

With me

Karla's the star yeah

No his daughter's name is

Esmerelda and she's famous

People come to hear her sing from near and far

Got it


Now there's a rumor going round

That in the tunnels underground

There lives

Wait I know can I guess

Sure if you can

A mysterious phantom me right

Right well mostly

But the twist is that this ghostly

Evil presence isn't monster but man

Now this man had been blessed

With a gift he possessed

Musical talents completely unmatched

But as you often will find

In epic tales of this kind

This gift came with a curse attached

A face that was hideous

And so jarring

He wore a mask to cover all the scarring


And lived underground inside a hole

Wait a hole why a hole

All his life he'd been tormented teased and taunted

But now his hunters would become the haunted

The world that always made him feel unwanted would hear the toll

The sounds of a tortured soul

Ok so I was born with a lightning scar got it

No no your typical everyday scar

Ohh scar like lion king

You know you are actually the worst

Listen up you're gonna need to know this

One day at his piano

Distant sounds of a soprano

Drifted towards him from the theater above

K so this hole has a piano

Sweeter than a bird

In all his life he'd never heard

A sound like this and he was instantly in love

The voice of course was carlo's daughter

And the phantom went and sought her

To become his secret student and his muse

And if you think she found this oh-so

Enigmatic virtuoso

Kinda creepy then I've got some shocking news

Because she fell and fell hard

He was battered and scarred

But she could see that inside there was more

Something alluring she'd find

In the sadness behind

That terrifying mask he wore

Wait a minute I'm your boyfriend are we gonna have to kiss

That's gross you're like my sister

Zeke it's called acting

And though he was hideous

And she was perfection

Through music they found their connection

A bond beyond their own control

You better not get sick I am not kissing tina

And though his face tormented her and chilled her

His compositions haunted her and thrilled her

His mesmerizing melodies fulfilled her made her whole

The sounds of a tortured soul

She was beautiful and he was hideous

Ok so this is beauty and the beast

Zeke less talking more listening

'Cause here's where it gets interesting

Ezzy has another man some

Guy named raoul who's tall and handsome

And not all that pleased about her latest beau

Ah always a triangle

Angrily raoul tracks him

To his lair where he attacks him

And they battle in the passageway below


And when he took his last breath

The phantom welcomed his death

He'd rather die than live apart

When it was over and done

Raoul had killed him he'd won

But he'd lost esmerelda's heart

'Cause though he was pretty yes

And a keeper

The phantom's love was so much deeper

A loss that nothing could console

No more she'd see that face that once had chilled her

No more she'd hear that music that fulfilled her

And people say that that's the

Thing that killed her on the whole

She ran away and was never seen again but get this

When they returned to find the phantom and unmask it

They never found a body for the casket

They say he had depending who you ask it one last goal

One last goal

To this day inside that theater or near it

If you listen very closely you can hear it

The songs of a tortured spirit's final role

The sounds of a tortured soul

That's the basic plot anyway

So it's about a person who died at a theater

And then haunts it forever


Brooke that's just like the story ms walker told

This play is just like the story of our school

That is so with meta man
