Pink Skinned Man



所属专辑:Cherry Red Indie Hits 1983 1984


Pink Skinned Man - Microdisney

Autumn comes in here

Hedges heaving huge

At the touch of driving rain

Dear lover you're no good

Dear lover you're no right

Yours sincerely someone else

With a grudge

Theres nothing in this for me

Theres nothing in this for me

He still had a break

Sell instruction

All summer long

What he had earned

Three weeks off

And he married then

Left his shiny bag full of garbage

On the steps monday nights

Theres nothing in this for me

Theres nothing in this for me

It swallowed me alive

Hung me out to dry

They won't give and now i take

And all this time for dress

If in future years you need help

Don't look at me


Threats couldn't make you sincere

I havent liked you for years

There's nothing in this for me

There's nothing in this for me
