
@migu music@

Carey - Krista Ricci

The wind is in from Africa

Last night I couldn't sleep

Oh you know it sure is hard to leave here Carey

But it's really not my home

My fingernails are filthy

I've got beach tar on my feet

And I miss my clean white linen

And my fancy French cologne

Oh Carey get out your cane Carey get out your cane

And I'll put on some silver

Oh you're a mean old

Daddy but I like you fine

Come on down to the Mermaid Cafe

And I will buy you a bottle of wine

And we'll laugh and toast to nothing and

Smash our empty glasses down

Let's have a round for these

Freaks and these soldiers

A round for these friends of mine

Let's have another round for the bright red devil who

Keeps me in this tourist town

Oh Carey get out your cane

Carey get out your cane

And I'll put on some silver

Oh you're a mean old

Daddy but I like you I like you I like you

Maybe I'll go to Amsterdam

Or maybe I'll go to Rome

And rent me a grand piano and

Put some flowers 'round my room

But let's not talk about fare thee wells now

The night is a starry dome

And they're playin' that scratchy rock and roll

Beneath the Matalla Moon

Carey get out

Your cane Carey get out your cane

And I'll put on some silver

You're a mean old

Daddy but I like you

The wind is in from Africa

Last night I couldn't sleep

Oh you know it sure is hard

To leave here but it's

Really not my home

Maybe it's been too long a time since I was

Scramblin' down in the street

Now they got me used to that

Clean white linen and that

Fancy French cologne

Oh Carey get out your cane Carey get out your cane

I'll put on my finest silver

Oh you're a mean old

Daddy but I like you

You're a mean old Daddy

But you out of side

Tha I like I like you
