Pillar Of Economy





@migu music@

The lonely streets, the tall dark mill

It stood a hundred years, it's standing still

It's stood the snow; it's stood the rain

And it could stand them all again

Woollen town - oh woollen town

You've been a pillar of economy

But now this mill is closing down

Many years ago, or so they say

Seven-year old children were working fifteen hours a day

And through those years of industrial strife

The looms were turning, always, day and night

But never again

The lonely streets, the tall dark mill

It stood a hundred years, it's standing still

It's stood the snow; it's stood the rain

And it could stand them all again

Woollen town - oh woollen town

You've been a pillar of economy

But now this mill is closing down

The lonely streets are dark and bare

No children playing, no one walks there

There's just the mill, standing alone

Its walls are damp and overgrown

Woollen town - oh woollen town

You've been a pillar of economy

But now this mill has closed down
