Portishead Radio





Portishead Radio - Mike Batt

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

Get me my girl on the line

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

I'm having to wait a long time

Yankee Romeo Sierra Tango

Yankee Romeo Sierra Tango

Golf Hotel to Foxtrot Lima Sierra

Golf Hotel to Foxtrot Lima Sierra

Portishead this is Mike Sierra Zulu Juliet

I've been trying hard but I can't get through

Portishead I am running out of channels on the set

If you have a heart I appeal to you

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

Get me my girl on the line

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

I'm having to wait a long time

Yankee Romeo Sierra Tango

Yankee Romeo Sierra Tango

Golf Hotel to Foxtrot Lima Sierra

Golf Hotel to Foxtrot Lima Sierra

Portishead I don't think you've even heard a word I've said

I don't think you've heard anything at all

Portishead when I try to tune to you the line is dead

Am I beating my head against a wall

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

Get me my girl on the line

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

I'm having to wait a long time

Whisky Papa Whisky Papa Papa Quebec

Whisky Papa Whisky Papa Papa Quebec

I'm rolling with a mistral wind

That blows me home too slowly

I'm waiting for an answer

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

Get me my girl on the line

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

I'm having to wait a long time

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

Get me my girl on the line

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

I'm having to wait a long time

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

Get me my girl on the line

Portishead Radio Portishead Radio

I'm having to wait a long time
