River of Crystals





歌曲名 River Of Crystals

歌手名 Kimiko Itoh

作词:坂本 美雨

作曲:川井 宪次

Crystal memories

Touched by your voice in the moonlight

Nothing lasts you said

But everything still holds meaning in my heart

Hidden deep in my mind

River to the time

That we once shared together

the pictures are still on the wall and why

shinning smiles like snow flakes

all melted and gone away

Only answer was to live

and i am still here

with your memories

dreaming hopelessly

holding in my heart

all the flowers you left

Crystallized moments

Shattered into frozen pieces in my tears

River moonlight

i hear your voice echoing

but i'm here alone

Crystal melodies

moments so sweet I remenber

Nothing lasts you said

Then why is pain still confusing memories

Only time will go on

River has its end

Our light was blown by the wind

My fingers reach out and find no one there

Rainy sky please tell me my emptiness will be filled

Only answer was to live

and i am still here

with your memories

walking hopelessly

holding in my eyes

all the colors you left

Broken melodies

No more singing no more laughing in the sun

River of moonshine

i hear your voice echoing

but i'm still alone


