Dead Ocean

作词:The Agonist

作曲:The Agonist



@migu music@

An Ocean waves hello

Feathers decorate the air

And sleeping giants approach

An absolute nightmare – not having footing to flee

Suspended animation, face to face with the majesty

Grotesque interest drew you near

But sorrow and awe keep you here

The Ocean suicides

Here come the leeches gathering around their host

Hard to believe it, arterial seacost

King of carcass,

I'll drown in is death

Grotesque interest drew you near the towering monument

Sorrow and awe keep you here while the

Ocean breaks

Flesh weighs more than atmosphere – what' keeping them afloat?

Still you stare, waiting for the shipwrecks and ghosts

The moon mocks you with a knowing grin

Or, is that the lure of a distant angler fish?

Was your role fulfilled?

Was that it?

Are you face up or face down?

Cardinal points are semantic

Geometry is religion for mathematicians

The womb that birthed us keep us close

Rebellious organs give up early, abandoning ship

The air feels hydrogen-heavy

Your elements are individualizing

Red algae pours across the panorama

Colored film fills your eyes, matching the bed expanding beneath you

With every once you lose

You forget you ever feared you're physically free

One who survives mass suicide gather the masses to blindly follow

Intonations camouflage obvious idiocy

Approachable outside to welcome them in

Black holes set in spin

A resource more valuable than we expect,

Wrangled together to redirect

I've been around this place before

I recognize the heavy doors opening on the entrance way

Molding a populace out of clay

Stuck in the earth, we'll stay.
