Tickle The Whale - Wonder Pets
作词:J Walter Hawkes/Larry Hochman
作曲:J Walter Hawkes/Larry Hochman
I'ts time to tickel the whale
Tickel tickel tickel tickel tickel the whale
Tickel tickel tickel tickel tickel the whale
Tickel like you never I'd would tickel before
And tickel tickel tickel tickel tickel somemore
I'ts I like shames so we can blame
Tickel tickel tickel tickel tickel tickel
Tickel tickel tickel tickel tickel tickel
Everybody tickel the whale
What's gone away tickel tickel tickel tickel
Ti more what's can over
Tickel tickel tickel tickel
Ti more
Everybody tickel the whale
Tickel tickel tickel tickel tickel the whale
Tickel tickel tickel tickel tickel the whale