That Is What Friends Are For (Album Version)

作词:Clarence Mc

作曲:Clarence Mc

所属专辑:That's What Friends Are For


@migu music@

And I never thought I'd feel this way 從沒想過我會有這樣的感覺

And as far as I'm concerned 對我來說

I'm glad I got the chance to say 我很高興自己能有機會說:

That I do believe I love you 我確定自己真的愛你

And if I should ever go away 如果我必須離去

Well then close your eyes and try 那麼,閉上你的雙眼

  to feel the way we do today 試著感受我倆今天所做的

And then if you can remember 然後,如果你還記得 ....

*Keep smiling, keep shining 保持你的笑容,光彩煥發

Knowing you can always count on me for sure 請你相信,你永遠都可以倚靠我

That's what friends are for 那就是朋友相處之道

For good times and bad times 不論是歡樂時光或是苦難的時刻

I'll be on your side forever more 我永遠都在你左右

That's what friends are for 那就是朋友的好處

Well you came and opened me 你來到我身邊,啟發了我

And now there's so much more I see 如今,我比以往看得更多

A so by the way I thank you 因此,我要順便向你道謝

And then for the times when we're apart 在我們分開的日子裡

Well then close your eyes and know 閉上你的眼睛,請你明白

These words are coming from my heart 這些都是我的肺腑之言

And then if you can remember(*) 然後,如果你還記得 .....
