
@migu music@

No Moon - Various Artists (欧美群星)

Written by:Maury Yeston

No moon

No wind

Nothing to spy things by

No wave

No swell

No line where sea meets sky



Can't see a thing says I

No reflection

Not a shadow

Not a glint of light

Meets the eye

And we go sailing


Ever westward on the sea

We go sailing


Ever on

Go we

It's a beautiful night Mr. Straus

Even though there's no moon

Look at all the stars

Can you find the big dipper

The big dipper I can't even find our own stateroom

Every time I go out for a walk finding my way back is

An adventure

Maybe you drop some bread crumbs

Can you feel how cold it's getting Mrs. Straus

All in the past couple of hours

Would you like me to get your fur stole

What and maybe never see you again

No thank you I'd rather freeze

Are you cold then Katie

Not now that you've got your arm around me

But I don't

Oh you're a funny one Kate Mcgowan

Funny thanks very much

Because you come right out with what you want

And you find that funny do you

What kind of girl do you think I am

You think I need to be told what I want

Life's too short for that me boy o

The weather's quite changed Mr. Lightoller

Yes sir it's turned very cold

Only one point above freezing

Ocean temperature's down to thirty one degrees captain

Warn the carpenter to check our supply of fresh water

Mr. Murdoch

And tell the engine room to watch the steam winches

Aye aye sir

There's not much wind is there

No sir it appears to be a flat calm

And we go sailing see how calm it is


Smooth as polished glass

Ah the open sea

Ever westward

On the sea

Feel the bite in the air

We go sailing

Sailing ah the open sea

Smooth as polished glass

Ever on

Go we

Charles think

In two days America

What's the first thing your going to do when we get there darling

After marrying me of course

Apply to the sports desk of an important New York newspaper

I'm sure that they can use a journalist with my experience

Oh darling you're sure to be a success

Let us both hope so

That's why we're going there

Good evening gentlemen

Madam this happens to bo the smoke room

So I see

Women are never permitted in the 1st calss smoke room madam

Don't look so shocked gentlemen there's a new world out there

There's a new world out where

Mr. Hartley that's a new melody what's it called

Autumn m'am
