


所属专辑:Remnants Of War


Conquests - Helstar



Beware tonight as the city sleeps

The warlords come to call

To do away with those who oppose

Tonight the city will fall

They're from a place not far from here

They come to over rule

To find and seize the iron cross

And wage wanton destruction upon you

The scanners flash red alert

Intruders from the west

They plan to scale the massive walls

To fulfill their final conquest

The assault is on no time to waste

Intruders swarm the battle grounds

The warnings came much too late

The alarm of no quarter sounds

The bodies burn and the blood does spill

The battle rages on

The city fends off the attack

But the iron cross is gone

To the victor go the spoils

No one will stand in their way

The torches light the way to home

Where the iron cross will stay

And so the city fades and dies

The warlords reign supreme

They are the keepers of the cross

And destroyers of your dreams

The empire stands alone and strong

Unmoved by human fear

They feel their power will always grow

But their dying days are near

Very soon they too will fall

Killed in their very sleep

Intruders will come as they came once

And the iron cross they'll no longer keep
